11:41 PM

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Cakrawala Toolbar

edi gunawan

Akhirnya kesampaian juga mimpiku untuk membuatkan toolbar  untuk blog ini. perkenalkan Cakrawala Toolbar... dengan feautured sebagi berikut:

*gadget facebook
*gadget twitter
*kolom search engine (powered by google)
*space chatbox
*gadget radio online
*gadget Rss berlangganan
*dan gadget Flicr

silahkan download disini
READ MORE - Cakrawala Toolbar

5:28 PM

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BitDefender internet security + Patch

edi gunawan

Memenuhi tuntutan teman-teman kampus, akhirnya saya paksakan diri buat postingan ini (hwalah). yap! ladies and gentelmant! please welcome for BitDefender internet security 2010....
Tanpa panjang lebar, nih AV (anti virus), sudah melalang buana di dunia maya dengan reputasinya yang nggak kalah dengan norton, kaspersky, avg, avira, dan teman-teman AV lainnya...
satu lagi yang dapat saya recomendasikan dari AV ini karena sudah ada patch yang memberi kita ruang untuk mengupdate databasenya jadi AV ini akan selalu segar dalam menjaga system kita..
minimal system reqirement:
  • Windows XP SP2, Vista, Windows 7
  • 800MHz processor
  • RAM:
  • 512 MB (Windows XP)
  • 1 GB (Windows Vista and Windows 7)
  • 450 MB available hard disk space
Recommended system requirements
  • Windows XP SP2, Vista, Windows 7
  • Intel CORE Duo (1.66 GHz) or equivalent processor
  • RAM:
  • 1GB (Windows XP and Windows 7)
  • 1.5 GB (Windows Vista)
  • 600 MB available hard disk space

Download disini dan disini
patchnya disini
READ MORE - BitDefender internet security + Patch

7:10 AM

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Melindungi Komputer Dari inveksi Virus dengan DeepFreeze 5

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Banyak keluhan dari teman-teman kampus soal laptop mereka yang rada lalod atau ngga bisa nyala. katanya sih karena virus. Akhirnya jadi deh postingan ini untuk sobat sekalian yang memiliki dendam kesumat dengan virus-virus itu (Tenang! saya juga merasakan dendam itu kawan hehehe).

DeepFreeze adalah sebuah software yang sangat berguna. wkwkwk....
penjelasannya gini, deep freeze yang ditanam dalam PC, LepTop dkk akan mengalami pembekuan system yang mengakibatkan segala aktivitas yang diberikan pada PC tadi tidak akan tercatat. sehingga ketika PC di restart, maka system akan kembali ke mode awal dimana belum diberikan aktivitas tadi. (oke saya bingung jelasinnya gimnana). tapi dengan software ini virus ngga bakal menginfeksi PC anda. o ya, hal ini juga menjadi masalah ketika anda memiliki data yang di masukkan kedalam PC juga tidak akan tercatat.

Setelah anda memasukkan Password:

1. boot frozen : membekukan system setelah restart
2. boot Thawned on next : mencairkan "menonaktifkan" deep freeze sejumlah booting yang diinginkan
3.boot Thawned: mencairkan system dari deepfreeze setelah restart

Silahkan Download DeepFreeze 5 + password disini
pass Rar: emulsi08
READ MORE - Melindungi Komputer Dari inveksi Virus dengan DeepFreeze 5

4:34 PM

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Mencuri Account Facebook dengan Refog KGB Employee Monitor.v4.2

edi gunawan

Buat sobat yang belum pernah dengar tentang keylogger dan sebgai-sebagainya, ini dia salah satu software yang dikategorikan sebagai keylogger. Refog KGB ini dilengkapi fitur untuk memantau aktifitas dari PC kita (atau orang lain- hehehe) dengan kata lain kita dapat memperoleh informasi yang tidak terduga dari PC itu, misalnya password dan username account facebook bagi orang yang menggunakn PC itu tadi. hebatkan???

Tidak hanya itu, fitur invisible dari Refog KGB keylogger ini juga termasuk sempurna sehingga seorang pro juga (kemungkinan) dapat ada kelabui. demikian tadi sekilas tentang Key-logger ini, selanjutnya silahkan download Refog KGB Employee Monitor.v4.2+Serial Number disini
READ MORE - Mencuri Account Facebook dengan Refog KGB Employee Monitor.v4.2

4:10 PM

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Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Modeling and Simulation

edi gunawan

This book is written for the pharmacokineticist who performs pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling and is occasionally asked to model data that may have nothing to do with pharmacokinetics, but may be important in other areas of drug development. The emphasis of this book is on modeling in drug development since that is my own area of expertise and because ultimately all pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling is applied to the therapeutic use of drugs in clinical practice. Throughout this book, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic models will be used without derivation and little in the way of explanation. It is expected the reader has basic knowledge of pharmacokinetics and simple pharmacodynamic models

Download Disini

Pass Rar: emulsi08
READ MORE - Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Modeling and Simulation

5:44 PM

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Mengupload file dapat dollar

edi gunawan

Ziddu.com, siapa yang tidak kenal situs ini?? situs yang menyediakan layanan upload file secara gila-gilaan, maksud saya unlimited.hehehe.

kabar gembira ini saya dapat dari sebuah blog penyedia free komik naruto dkk. ceritanya seperti ini, setiap orang yang mendownload file yang sudah kamu upload, kamu akan mendapat 0,001 dollar, yah kecil sih. tapi coba anda bayangkan, bila anda penyedia layanan free software, dan diunduh oleh 1000 orang, anda akan mendapat 0,001 X 1000 = 1 dollar atau setara dengan 9.230 rupiah untuk kurs hari ini, nah, jika anda punya 100 softwre serupa, anda bisa hitung sendiri dollar yang bisa anda peroleh ^_^. ini juga yangg terjadi pada situs komik naruto yang saya bahas tadi.

nah untuk mendapat keuntungan ini, silahkan daftar disini dulu!!
READ MORE - Mengupload file dapat dollar

5:15 PM

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Meraup Dollar dengan blog

edi gunawan

Mungkin anda bertanya-tanya, apakah ada lahan di dunia maya yang dapat menghasilkan uang?? Tentu saja ada. (hehehe). Bagi kamu yang belum pernah dengar atau masih pemula di dunia blog (seperti saya juga), dan memiliki sebuah blog, saya perkenalkan sebuah metode untuk memancing ikan... maksud saya, dollar dengan adsense di blog kita.

Mengapa anda butuh sebuah blog? Ya tentu saja karena blog ini adalah sebuah lahan yang nantinya akan anda tanami dengan bibit dollar. Maksud saya, anda membutuhkan sebuah blog untuk mengiklankan sebuah situs adsense yang nantinya akan membayar.

Bagaimana adsense ini akan membayar anda? Adsense ini akan membayar anda sesuai dengan pengunjung blog anda yang meng"klik" iklan yang ada dalam blog anda tadi. jadi sangat mudah bukan??? hHe

Lho! kalo memang mudah, berarti semua bloggist (istilah saya untuk teman2 blogger, ^_^) sudah kaya raya dong? Lha belum tentu, Adsense hanya akan menghitung jumlah pengklik iklan dari unique IP, sehingga anda tidak dapat melakukan kecurangan dengan menekan iklan di blog anda sendiri berkali-kali..... Karena ngga bakal kehitung sama adsensenya.Selain itu, peraturan ini berlaku untuk pengunjung yang datang ke blog anda dari penelusuran melalui om kita semua, GOOGLE.

Adsense yang benar-benar membayar salah satunya Kumpulblogger.com dan adsensecamp.com kedua situs ini dijamin membayar anda!
Hati-hati terhadap penipuan, ada beberapa adsense yang ternyata tidak membayar!!

READ MORE - Meraup Dollar dengan blog

8:36 AM

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Virtual Rubik (Rubix 1.1)

edi gunawan

Rubix 1.1 adalah sebuah game rubik virtual yang mampu menampilkan hingga 50 cube.
(versi 3 X 3)

 (versi 5X5)
Langsung saja download disini
READ MORE - Virtual Rubik (Rubix 1.1)

11:35 PM

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Kompres File 1 GB Jadi 5 MB dengan KGB Archiver

edi gunawan

 Solusi buat mengupload file besar di Ziddu.com dapat dilatasi dengan KGB Archiver ini. prinsipnya sih sama dengan pengompress lain seperti WinRar maupun WinZip. tetapi file yang dihasilkan dapat men"ciut" DRASTIS.

Yang mau nyoba atau nggak percaya, silahkan Download disini:
KGB Archiver
READ MORE - Kompres File 1 GB Jadi 5 MB dengan KGB Archiver

2:06 AM

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Topical Absorption of Dermatological Products

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Download Here
READ MORE - Topical Absorption of Dermatological Products

11:47 PM

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Excipient Development for Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Drug Delivery Systems

edi gunawan

The chapters in this book can be broadly categorized into four major themes: Global regulatory processes (Chapters 2, 4, 5, and 7): This section provides a regulatory perspective and reviews existing global regulatory processes . It also proposes new and innovative ways for regulatory review of excipients, which, if adopted, should promote innovation. This section also provides a status update on the global compendial harmonization, which should eliminate non–value-added testing that manufacturers and users of excipients currently have to perform. Preclinical testing and development and development of new and coprocessed excipients (Chapters 3, 6, 9, and 20): This section describes the type of preclinical testing that is required in support of the development and registration of new excipients and presents a case study for successful development of a novel excipient. Lastly, Chapter 20 looks to the future and identifies excipients needed for innovative biotechnologically derived dosage forms.  (read more) or download here
READ MORE - Excipient Development for Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Drug Delivery Systems

11:37 PM

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Handbook of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Formulations Liquid Products (Volume 3 of 6)

edi gunawan

The manufacture and control of oral solutions and oral
suspensions presents some unusual problems not common
to other dosage forms. Although bioequivalency concerns
are minimal (except for products in which dissolution is
a rate-limiting or absorption-determining step, as in
phenytoin suspension), other issues have frequently led to
recalls of liquid products. These include microbiological,
potency, and stability problems. In addition, because the
population using these oral dosage forms includes newborns,
pediatrics, and geriatrics, who may not be able to
take oral solid dosage forms and who may have compromised
drug metabolic or other clearance function, defective
dosage forms can pose a greater risk if the absorption
profiles are significantly altered from the profiles used in
the development of drug safety profiles. (read more) or
download here
READ MORE - Handbook of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Formulations Liquid Products (Volume 3 of 6)

11:27 PM

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Pharmaceutical Suspensions

edi gunawan

Nernst and Zeta Potentials

The electric double layer is formed in order to neutralize the charged particles in a suspension. As discussed in the previous few paragraphs, the electrical potential at any point in a suspension system depends on its exact location. read more or Download here
READ MORE - Pharmaceutical Suspensions

1:26 AM

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Flavonoids - Andersen, Markham

edi gunawan

Essential to the study of flavonoids is having the means available for their separation (analytical and preparative) and isolation. The importance of this aspect of flavonoid research can be seen in the number of review articles that refer to their chromatography.1–6 However, the information is usually spread out over chapters in books or occurs in isolated sections devoted to individual classes of these polyphenols. This chapter, therefore, aims to present a brief unified summary of general techniques, with reference to the different categories of structure: flavones and flavonols (and their glycosides), isoflavones, flavanones, chalcones, anthocyanins, and proanthocyanidins Read more or download here
READ MORE - Flavonoids - Andersen, Markham

1:07 AM

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Herbal Medicine - A Medical Dictionary Bibliography

edi gunawan

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading."1 Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing. Since only the smallest fraction of information dealing with herbal medicine is indexed in search engines, such as www.google.com or others, a non-systematic approach to Internet research can be not only time consuming, but also incomplete. This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to know as much as possible about herbal medicine, using the most advanced research tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so. Read more or download here
READ MORE - Herbal Medicine - A Medical Dictionary Bibliography

12:56 AM

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Color Atlas of Pharmacology

edi gunawan

History of PharmacologySince time immemorial, medicaments have been used for treating disease in
humans and animals. The herbals of antiquity describe the therapeutic powers of certain plants and minerals. Belief in the curative powers of plants and certain substances rested exclusively upon traditional knowledge, that is, empirical information not subjected to critical examination.
Read more or Download here
READ MORE - Color Atlas of Pharmacology

12:01 AM

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S.Mitra - Sample Preparation Techniques in Analytical Chemistry

edi gunawan

Sample preparation is important in all aspects of chemical, biological, materials, and surface analysis. Notable among recent developments are faster, greener extraction methods and microextraction techniques. Specialized sample preparations, such as self-assembly of analytes on nanoparticles for surface enhancement, have also evolved. Developments in highthroughput workstations for faster preparation–analysis of a large number of samples are impressive. These use 96-well plates (moving toward 384 wells) and robotics to process hundreds of samples per day, and have revolutionized research in the pharmaceutical industry. Advanced microfabrication techniques have resulted in the development of miniaturized chemical analysis systems that include microscale sample preparation on a chip. Considering all these, sample preparation has evolved to be a separate discipline within the analytical/measurement sciences. (read more) or (download here)
READ MORE - S.Mitra - Sample Preparation Techniques in Analytical Chemistry

8:55 AM

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Graphic Paper

edi gunawan

untuk alasan analisis farmasi khususnya farmakokinetika, kebutuhan akan Kertas grafik linear inch, linear metric, semi log merupakan kebutuhan "primer" bagi seorang farmasist. so! teman-teman silahkan download disini
READ MORE - Graphic Paper

8:44 AM

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E-Book Stability Of Drugs and Dosage Forms (by:Summie Yoshioka andValentino j.Stella)

edi gunawan

In this book, we define "pharmaceuticals" as drug substances having pharmacological effects and the dosage forms containing these drug substances, which are intended for therapeutic use. Drug substances used at the present time range from small-molecular-weight chemicals to polymers such as proteins. In the future, products derived from genomic research will have to be included. Some drug substances are susceptible to chemical degradation under various conditions owing to their fragility of their molecular structure. Other drug substances undergo physical degradation changes rather than chemical degradation, leading to various changes in their physical state. Download disini
READ MORE - E-Book Stability Of Drugs and Dosage Forms (by:Summie Yoshioka andValentino j.Stella)